Tuesday 18 November 2008

Since I got here...

Looking back now twenty five,
On the years I've been alive,
Seeing all the things I've done,
But there is always more to come,
And so I'll write a kind of list,
Of things to do, things not to miss.

Write a book, a film, a play,
Take a photo everyday,
Forget the things that matter least,
Fly a kite and Ski off piest,
Learn to speak in Japanese,
Meet Tony Blair and break his knees.

Build a robot, go insane,
Beat a pro at his own game,
Start a trend then bring it back,
Survive the first Zombie attack.

Go to China, for a while,
Have my own artistic style,
Get some work up in the Tate,
Something good, or even great,
Then when I've gained infamy,
It's time to start a family.

Meet a girl with shiny eyes,
A killer smile and cracking thighs,
Settle down but not too much,
A house, some kids a car and such,
Hold a job with hefty wage,
Remember to avoid old age.

Wrinkle up and shrivle down,
Hair goes white and skin goes brown,
Complain that things are not as fun,
As they were when I was young,
Lose my hearing, Lose my hair,
Sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.

1 comment:

Kharas said...

still love this maps xx ma loves it too just read it to her x